Wednesday, September 20, 2017

Different Treatment Modules for Anal Fistula

1. Fistulectomy: Recurrence 15-20 %
2. VAAFT: About 20% recurrence
3. Cutting Seton: No satisfactory results; it only provides drainage to pus& thus progression of tract is stopped & pain is relieved.
4. Glu technique: High rate of recurrence
5. Transverse colostomy: it involves major surgical procedure & attachment of stool bag over the abdomen. Usually not recommended.

6. Kshar Sutra Treatment: This specialized treatment is time tested and yields best results. It is also recommended by Indian Council for Medical Research for Fistula treatment.

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Complications of Anal fistula

Fistula presents as a chronic nodular swelling in anal region with remission and exacerbation of pain and pus discharge. When neglected for longer time multiple branches may be seen
and fistula can invade deeper in anal tissue making the treatment more difficult.

Consult Dr SK Singh to get proper Treatment.
Visit us at or Call us at +91 - 9810159275 / 011 - 27053357
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