Wednesday, August 30, 2017

Everything you should know about Anal Fistula

Anal Fistula presents as a small nodular swelling around anal opening. At times; pus,blood or watery discharge may be seen
coming out from this ext. opening. Usually the pain & swelling subside after the discharge.But after a certain period; pus again
accumulates giving rise to swelling & pain. It is always advisable to treat this chronic condition as early as possible; since in few cases with lon
g history of fistula malignant changes have
been reported.

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Home Remedies for Piles

Home Remedies for Piles to be Cured

1) Piles are the resultant of putting too much strain while
defecation or sitting too long for defecation. So these
should be avoided. 

2) Avoid fast foods, spicy and too much oily foods.
3) Increase consumption of fibrous foods like green leafy
vegetables, fruits and salads;
4) Increase intake of fluids specially butter milk
5) You should exercise regularly.
6) If the pile mass protrude out during defecation these
should be reduced and it is better to keep them inside.

If it does not help book your appointment at Sushruta
Anorectal Institute

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Or Call us at +91 - 9810159275 / 011 - 27053357

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Yoga for Piles

If you want to live a life free from Piles and other
Anorectal diseases you should practice these Yoga
Asanas regularly

1) Vajrasana or Thunder pose

2) Pawanmuktasana or Wind relieving pose
3) Kati Chakrasana Standing spinal twist
4) Malasana or Garland pose
5) Tadasana or Palm tree pose
6) Balasana or Child’s pose
7) Ardha Matsyendrasana or Sitting half spinal twist
8) Moola Bandha or Root lock

If it does not help book your appointment at Sushruta
Anorectal Institute

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Or Call us at +91 - 9810159275 / 011 - 27053357

#DrSKSingh #Hemorrhoids #Livefreely#Freedomfrompain #Yoga #Exercises#Sushrutaanorectalinstitute

Tuesday, August 22, 2017

How to Prevent Piles

1) Increase fiber intake
2) Use of Butter milk is specially recommended
3) Exercise regularly
4) Apply Sushruta oil in anal region daily this helps by improving blood circulation and protecting inner mucosal lining
5) Do not strain too much while passing stool

6) Do not spend much time in toilet.
7) Practice Ashwini mudra regularly for about 10 minutes twice daily.
If it does not help book your appointment at Sushruta Anorectal Institute
Visit us at
Or Call us at +91 - 9810159275 / 011 - 27053357

#DrSKSingh #Hemorrhoids #Prevention #Cure#Piles #Sushrutaanorectalinstitute

Piles Treatment without Surgery

1) In First stage only symptom is painless bleeding
Internal pile masses are treated by Kshar Karma i.e.
local application by some specific medicines.

2) In Second stage; pile mass protrude out during

defecation. Sclerotherapy, Kshar Karma and
Ksharsutra ligation of Pile mass may be required.

3) In third and fourth stage; when the size of pile mass is
big enough; Ksharsutra ligation is the treatment of choice.
Book your appointment now
Or call us at +91 - 9810159275 / 011 - 27053357

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Piles - Say no to Surgery

Disadvantages of Piles Surgery:
1) Bleeding
2) Pain
3) Infection
4) Expensive treatment

5) Chances of recurrence are high
While in Ksharsutra treatment for piles there is no
complication; treatment is very economic and chances of
recurrence are negligible
Book your appointment now
Or Call us at +91 - 9810159275 / 011 - 27053357

#DrSKSingh #Ksharsutra #treatment#Disadvantages #Piles #Ayurcure#Sushrutaanorectalinstitut

Thursday, August 17, 2017

Symptoms of Piles

Common symptoms of Piles

1) Bleeding without pain while passing stool
2) Mass protruding out through anal opening during

3) In starting pile mass goes inside by itself, but in later stages
patient needs to push it back
4) In the fourth stage, Piles mass may come out even
while walking and sitting
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Piles during Pregnancy

Precautions to avoid Piles
1) Increase the Fluid Intake
2) Fiber Rich Diet – Fresh Fruits & Salads
3) Pregnancy Yoga Exercises

4) Use of Mild Bowel regulating agents like Saunf, Triphala,
Resins, powder of Harad etc.
Book your appointment now
Or call us at +91 - 9810159275 / 011 - 27053357

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Common Cause of Piles

1) Persistent constipation due to poor dietary habits, less fiber intake and sedentary lifestyle.
2) Lack of exercise
3) Chronic cough

4) Chronic Urinary obstruction
5) Pregnancy
6) Reading News paper in toilet
7) Straining while defecation
Book your appointment now
Or Call us at +91 - 9810159275 / 011 - 27053357

#DrSKSingh #Hemorrhoids #treatment #Causesofpiles#Sushrutaanorectalinstitute

Thursday, August 10, 2017

Misconception about Piles

There is nothing like guaranteed treatment in any system
of medicine.
“एक इंजेक्शन से पाइल्स का शर्तिया इलाज||”
It is just a rumor spread by quacks. Injection Therapy has
no role for Grade 3 & Grade 4 Piles. However these can

be easily treated by Kshar Sutra Ligation without surgery.
Kshar Sutra Treatment is a specialized treatment in
Ayurveda for Grade 2, 3 and 4 Piles. Grade 1
hemorrhoids are treated with Kshar Karma and bowel regulation.
Book your appointment now
Or call us at +91 - 9810159275 / 011 - 27053357

#DrSKSingh #Hemorrhoids #treatment #KsharSutra#Sushrutaanorectalinstitute

Pilonidal Sinus - Say No to Surgery

In all Pilonidal Sinus patients; Doctors usually suggest
Surgery/ Z-plasty. This is not a good choice as recurrence
has been reported in large no. of patients. However in
Ayurvedic Surgery; the Pilonidal Sinus can be effectively &
safely treated by Graded Ksharsutra TM treatment.

Book your appointment now
Or call us at +91 - 9810159275 / 011 - 27053357

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Fistula Patient - Say no to Surgery

Graded Ksharsutra treatment is most effective for treating
all types of Anal Fistula. Treatment has been clinically proven
to be superior than Surgery/ VAAFT/ Laser/ Glu/
Fistulectomy/ By pass colostomy etc.
Book your appointment now

Or Call us at +91 - 9810159275 / 011 - 27053357
#DrSKSingh #Hemorrhoids #treatment#Ksharsutratreatment #Sushrutaanorectalinstitute

Best Treatment for Piles

Say no to Surgery for all Piles problems. Effective & super
specialized Graded Ksharsutra Treatment TM procedure is
available in Delhi only at Sushruta Anorectal Institute under
supervision of Dr. SK Singh; MS (Ayu); Gold Medalist.
Visit our Clinic at A-3/97, Near Vatsalya Mandir,Sector-7 Rohini, New Delhi

Or call us at +91 - 9810159275 / 011 - 27053357

#DrSKSingh #Hemorrhoids #Piles #Fissure #Nosurgery #Safeandeffective#Nopain #Sushrutaanorectalinstitute

Now Get Cost Effective Piles Treatment

Sushruta Anorectal Institute provides highly effective and
economical treatment procedures for Piles in all stages. More
than 12,000 patients have been successfully treated
Book your appointment now
Or Call us at +91 - 9810159275 / 011 - 27053357

#DrSKSingh #Hemorrhoids #treatment #Piles #Sushrutaanorectalinstitute

Tuesday, August 8, 2017

Nothing is more Painful than a Fissure

Fissure is a linear cut seen in anal canal. Being present in
sensitive area it is very painful. Patient complaints of
excoriating pain after passing stools. There may be little or no
bleeding. Surgery is usually recommended in this condition
but is not successful; and is associated with lots of

complications. However Ayurvedic Kshar Karma is safe,
effective & economical procedure. Results are far better than Surgery.
Book your appointment Now
Visit us at
Or call at +91 - 9810159275 / 011 - 27053357

#DrSKSingh #Hemorrhoids #Fissure #Analcanal#NoSurgery #KsharKarma #passingstools#Treatment #Sushrutaanorectalinstitute

Best treatment for Piles

Say no to Surgery for all Piles problems. Effective & super
specialized Graded Ksharsutra Treatment TM procedure is
available in Delhi only at Sushruta Anorectal Institute under
supervision of Dr. SK Singh; MS (Ayu); Gold Medalist.
Visit our Clinic at A-3/97, Near Vatsalya Mandir,Sector-7 Rohini, New Delhi
Or call us at +91 - 9810159275 / 011 - 27053357

#DrSKSingh #Hemorrhoids #Piles #Fissure#Nosurgery #Safeandeffective #Nopain#Sushrutaanorectalinstitute

Now get Cost effective Piles Treatment

Sushruta Anorectal Institute provides highly effective and
economical treatment procedures for Piles in all stages. More
than 12,000 patients have been successfully treated
Book your appointment now
Or Call us at +91 - 9810159275 / 011 - 27053357

#DrSKSingh #Hemorrhoids #treatment #Piles#Sushrutaanorectalinstitute

Complete Piles Treatment with Specialized Ayurvedic Treatment

Don’t Sit and Suffer in Silence anymore
In early stage only Kshar Karma local application of
medicines is helpful. However in late 2 nd stage and 3 rd stage
Ksharsutra ligation of Piles is done that eradicates piles
problem completely with no surgery & no bleeding. Results are better, safer and economical than stapled hemorrhoidectomy.

Visit our Clinic at A-3/97, Near Vatsalya Mandir,Sector-7 Rohini, New Delhi
Or call us at +91 - 9810159275 / 011 - 27053357

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Piles in Pregnancy

Do you know
20 to 50% WOMEN are Affected with Piles During Pregnancy.
Local application of Sushruta ointment & Sushruta Oil is
highly effective & safe.
Visit our Clinic at A-3/97, Near Vatsalya Mandir,Sector-7 Rohini, New Delhi

Or call us at +91 - 9810159275 / 011 - 27053357

#DrSKSingh #Hemorrhoids #Piles #Fissure #SushrutaOil #Safeandeffective#Pregnancy #Women #Sushrutaanorectalinstitute

Monday, August 7, 2017

Safe & Effective Ayurvedic Treatment for Piles

With Kshar Karma – A specialized Ayurvedic procedure 1st
stage and early 2nd stage Piles can be treated without surgery
and without any pain.
Book your appointment Now 
Visit us at
Or call at +91 - 9810159275 / 011 - 27053357
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